In the framework of the PROFEEDBACK Action, one conference every half-year is implemented. After each conference thematic deliverables are issued, the so called PROFEEDbooks (D4.1-D4.8). They summarise the main presentations and results of the conferences.
PROFEEDbooks support multidisciplinarity, the systematisation of different methodologies and the exact transfer of know-how for the policy evaluation community. These also serve the interests of European and national policy-makers in developing the frameworks of the next programming periods and of a common European evaluation culture.
In addition, the PROFEEDbooks enrich the literature of public policy, aiming to develop theory, knowledge, method and tool base of European evaluation policy as well as a common understanding of the current problems and challenges. PROFEEDbooks support the Action in reaching audience beyond the Action members.
The 4th PROFEEDBACK Conference focused on Environmental and Energy Economics: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Green Transition, Circular Economy. It provided a conducive environment for a comprehensive exchange of ideas concerning new theoretical and empirical research in environmental, energy, and climate economics and policy analysis. The Conference maintained a balanced interest in both theoretical and applied research, with a particular interest in policy implications, similar to earlier iterations.
The conference has taken place in Belgrade, Serbia between 9-10 October 2023. The event has been organised by the Institute of Economic Sciences in Belgrade.