COST Action CA20112
PlatfoRm OF policy Evaluation community for improvED EU policies and Better ACKnowledgement



Join us

Why join?

PROFEEDBACK is a COST Action that offers the rare opportunity to participate in bottom-up knowledge creation and networking in the field of policy evaluation. Policy evaluation is a key tool in understanding, developing and modernizing EU policies as well as national and regional policies. Despite the fact that substantial efforts have been taken to research, apply and develop policy evaluation tools and methods, no regular and effective knowledge transfer at EU-level has been realized yet. Membership in PROFEEDBACK Action through Working Groups or the Management Committee can grant access to biannual conferences, peer-to-peer learning sessions, Training Schools and mobility grants for people engaged in policy evaluation.

Who can join?

The Action maintains an open and bottom-up approach. The Action is open and inclusive towards all stakeholders from the Quadruple Helix engaging academics, non-academics, SMEs, international organizations and public authorities and civil society organizations. Opportunity to join is open throughout the lifetime of the Action 18/10/2021 – 17/10/2025.

Working Group 1: Theoretical concept of policy evaluation.
To design an excellent evaluation and to properly select between the potential methodologies the evaluator should understand 1) the intervention logic of the given policy or programme, 2) the incentives and limits of policy makers, and 3) the technical limits (time, data availability and financial resources) of evaluation. WG1 addresses these issues.

Working Group 2: Quantitative methods and data collection.
There is a wide range of quantitative methods to be used in evaluation from benchmarking and simple statistics to econometrics and (macro-)modeling. WG2 deals with various methodological dilemmas that arise on the use of data and the limitation of data availability as well as with the question of how to interpret and communicate evaluation findings which are based on quantitative samples.

Working Group 3: Qualitative and participatory methods.
WG3 focuses on qualitative and participatory methods. The main topics addressed by this WG are 1) the applicability of these methods with regard to stakeholder involvement, 2) explaining complex situations by providing results in an understandable way to the general public.

How to join?

To participate as a Working Group member, please register at e-COST and apply here. Your application will be assessed by the Core Group and the Action Chair.

To participate as a Management Committee member, please contact your COST National Coordinator (CNC) by email. Please find the list of CNC here.  Your application will be assessed by the Management Committee.