Digitalization is part of our everyday life. With the COVID19 pandemic, the use of digital technologies has become even more profound. This also applies to the evaluation community. Increasingly, we come across terms such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Web Scraping, Big Data. Digitalization affects many areas of evaluation – from the availability of data sets to the speed of processing them to the speed of implementing recommendations. Nevertheless, the understanding of the meaning and use of these terms varies in the evaluation community. In order to contribute to clarifying and further developing the current debate about digitalization in evaluation, the European Evaluation Society´s Thematic Working Group 6 on methods and designs and Working Group 7 on EU Policies, together with the Working Group 2 on Quantitative methods and data collection of the COST Action CA20112 PROFEEDBACK organised an online workshop on 30-31 March 2023 about digitalization in evaluations and evaluations of digitalization. European Evaluation Society (EES) COST Action CA20112 – PlatfoRm OF policy Evaluation community for improvED EU policies and Better ACKnowledgement (PROFEEDBACK) European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)

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