COST Action CA20112
PlatfoRm OF policy Evaluation community for improvED EU policies and Better ACKnowledgement



Are you a researcher or innovator under the age of 40?

Have you been accepted to present a paper at an international conference?

Is your institution based in a COST ITC (Inclusiveness Target Country) or a COST NNC (Near Neighbour Countries)?

The Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) Conference Grants provide financial support up to 850 EUR for Young Researchers and Innovators affiliated in an
Inclusiveness Target Country or Near Neighbour Country for their participation in high-level conferences.

Applications can be submitted at any time on a rolling basis through e-COST. Grant decisions are normally announced within 30 days after submission.

For more details, please consult the full call here:

PROFEEDBACK OPEN CALL – Inclusiveness Target Country Conference Grants 2023