COST Action CA20112
PlatfoRm OF policy Evaluation community for improvED EU policies and Better ACKnowledgement



The PROFEEDBACK Action offers several grants for academics

Apply now, before the 3rd grant period (1 Nov 2023 – 31 Oct 2024) is over!

 Joint Research Publication grant

Promote collaboration within the PROFEEDBACK community by creating groups and submitting ideas for joint papers for consideration. We invite all Action members to form groups and submit their ideas for collaborative papers. Groups must include at least three members from three different countries, showcasing diverse and complementary expertise. 

JRP grants open call is available here.

Inclusiveness Target Countries Conference (ITC) grants

Financial support for Young Researchers and Innovators under the age of 40 affiliated in an Inclusiveness Target Country / Near Neighbour Country for their participation in high-level conferences.

ITC grants open call is available here.

Dissemination Conference (DC) grants

Financial support to Action participant for their participation in high-level conferences to present the Action, their activities, and results (oral presentation) and for developing new contacts and potential future collaborations.

DC grants open call is available here.

Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) grants

Visit of a host organization located in a different country than the country of affiliation by a Researcher or Innovator for the specific work to be carried out and for a determined period of time.

STSM grants open call is available here.

Virtual Mobility (VM) grants

Financial support for Researchers or Innovators to foster collaboration in a virtual setting, to exchange knowledge, learn new techniques, etc.

VMG grant call is available here. 

Let’s harness our collective knowledge and contribute to impactful research that aligns with the scope and objectives of the PROFEEDBACK Action.