COST Action CA20112
PlatfoRm OF policy Evaluation community for improvED EU policies and Better ACKnowledgement



PROFEEDBACK aims to foster the networking of the policy evaluation community at EU-level, raise awareness on the importance of evaluation policy research and improve its impact on policy-making. The Platform, following a bottom-up and open approach, will gather researchers and professionals from various scientific fields and sectors to present and evaluate theories, topics, tools and methods of policy evaluation. Results of the Europe-wide assessment of good practices will provide direct and high-quality inputs for national and EU bodies responsible for policy evaluation.

Policy evaluation is a key tool in understanding, developing and modernising EU policies, thus there is a growing demand for EU-wide and high-quality evaluation services. The main challenge is that currently there is no bottom-up platform for European researchers and professionals working in policy evaluation. They have limited possibilities to discuss common problems, assess country specific practices and share their knowledge in a mutually beneficial and effective way.

The event is organized by OPHIZ in cooperation with the University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business and the Economic Society Maribor within the Framework of COST Programme, under COST ACTION 20112 – PROFEEDBACK.

For more detailed info, see the Info Pack here.

The Conference Booklet is available here.

Detailed schedule with virtual links is available here.


Evaluation of Policies on Social Inclusion, Migration (in particular interventions related to integration).

Social inclusion is a core policy area whose importance has been highlighted even further by the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic recession. Any transition and recovery can only be carried out with keeping the inclusion and integration of the most vulnerable groups in mind, a notion which is reflected in various EU, national and regional policy documents. The aim of the conference is to discuss evaluation examples of integration and inclusion policies and transferable practices among evaluation professionals from COST member states.

As the conference is one of the activities of PROFEEDBACK, there is an overarching focus on evaluation of local, national or EU policies in the following themes:

  • Active inclusion (enabling all citizens, notably the most disadvantaged, to fully participate in society, including securing employment)
  • Socio-economic integration of third-country nationals,
  • Socio-economic integration of marginalised communities, such as Roma people,
  • Social integration of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion,
  • Promoting the social economy and social enterprises,
  • Breaking the intergenerational cycles of disadvantage,
  • Access to affordable housing,

During the conference, we aim to discuss evaluation results on social inclusion policies to understand

  • The factors influencing the effectiveness of these policies at national or regional level
  • Strengths and challenges of the methodologies applied to measure the success of social inclusion policies
  • The challenges of policy evaluation in distinguishing between short-term versus long-term effects of social inclusion policies
  • The role and efficiency of social innovation and social enterprises in social integration policies

The main objective of the conference is to facilitate knowledge-sharing and the identification of good practices, in order to provide input to the policy evaluation community. The event will give space for important theory-based and practical/methodological focused discussions. Additionally, it will contribute to setting the research agenda and provide an overview on the most urging issues for the Action.


We encourage and highly welcome critical, multi and interdisciplinary abstracts related to the topic Social Inclusion, Migration (in particular interventions related to integration/assimilation).

You can submit your paper by email to: The deadline for submitting abstracts is July 20th.

Selected participants will be informed of the committee’s decision one week after the deadline for submission of abstracts.

Participants may apply for funding under the framework of the COST Programme, namely by applying to ITC Conference Grants.

Members of the MC committee and of the WG of CA 20112 – PROFEEDBACK are encouraged to submit their abstracts.


Registration is required for the conference. Please register HERE.

Funded by COST, this event is free of charge for all participants. In person participants will pay for their own meals. Daily allowances and travel reimbursement is available as per COST regulations, only for participants registered in the WGs/MC of PROFEEDBACK.

The deadline for registration is August 5th.




The event will take place in Maribor, Slovenia at the Faculty of Economics and Business. For those participants unable to travel to Slovenia, the possibility to present their paper online is available.


Papers presented at conference will be published free of charge.

All accepted abstracts will be published in Conference Proceedings to be made available at the date of the conference.

Selected articles will be published in the Scopus Index journal Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, and NAŠE GOSPODARSTVO/OUR ECONOMY.

A Conference book, with all the remaining papers will also be published by the organizers.


Deadline for submission of abstracts: 20 July 2022

Deadline for registration: 05 August 2022

Deadline for submitting full papers: 11 September 2022


Dr. Noémia Bessa Vilela, OPHIZ Research

Dr. Fátima Castro Moreira, OPHIZ Research & Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique

Prof. Dr. Zan Jan Oplotnik, Faculty of Economics and Business & Društvo Ekonomistov Maribor

Pred. mag. Dejan Romih, UM Faculty of Economics and Business &  Društvo Ekonomistov Maribor

Prof. Dr. Polona Tominc, dean, UM Faculty of Economics and Business

Prof. Dr. Darja Boršič, vice-dean, UM Faculty of Economics and Business

Prof. Dr. Borut Milfelner, vice-dean, UM Faculty of Economics and Business

Doc. Dr. Romana Korez-Vide, vice-dean, UM Faculty of Economics and Business

Izr. Prof. Dr. Igor Vrečko, vice-dean, UM Faculty of Economics and Business

Gábor Balás, HÉTFA Research Institute Ltd

Dr. Anna Uster, Max Stern Yezreel Valley College


For more information, please contact: