COST Action CA20112
PlatfoRm OF policy Evaluation community for improvED EU policies and Better ACKnowledgement



What to expect? 

Our 2nd training school under the PROFEEDBACK Action has received fantastic feedback from participants! 

The event, held from 22-24 April 2024 at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, focused on quantitative evaluation methods, with an emphasis on impact evaluation approaches. 

Upcoming Opportunities for Participation

If you missed this opportunity, check out our website for upcoming training school events. We are committed to continuing our mission to enhance evaluation skills across Europe. Our next training school will be held in March, stay tuned for more details!

Explore More with ProfeedCOURSE

ProfeedCOURSE, is an extensive collection of materials from our training schools. Check out our courses about previous training school events, until we work on COURSE3 containing the material of the 2nd training school.

ProfeedCOURSE1 – Digitalization in evaluations & evaluations of digitalization

ProfeedCOURSE2 – Theory-based evaluation of Public Policies and Programmes

Access ProfeedCOURSE materials on our Deliverables page.

Join Our Community

We encourage you to join our growing community of evaluation professionals. Stay updated on our latest events, receive valuable insights, and engage in knowledge exchange by following us on our official channels. Together, we can continue to enhance our evaluation capabilities and make significant contributions to the field.


