Social Inclusion, Social Innovation, Quality of Life and Public Health
16 MAY 2024 – Bucharest, Romania

The 5th PROFEEDBACK Conference took place on 16 May 2024 at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration in Bucharest, Romania. Centered on the theme “Good Practices and Lessons Learned in Social Policy Evaluation,” the event brought together international academics, professionals, policymakers, and policy evaluators to exchange ideas, share best practices, and foster collaboration in evaluating social policies and services.

This conference, part of the PROFEEDBACK COST-Action (PlatfoRm OF policy Evaluation community for improvED EU policies and Better ACKnowledgement), aimed to enhance the effectiveness of public policies and programs by showcasing cutting-edge research and evaluation practices. Building on the success of past events, the 5th PROFEEDBACK Conference provided a dynamic platform for exploring how evidence-based insights can improve social interventions.

Key topics addressed during the conference include:

  • Social inclusion for underprivileged children, focusing on access to public services such as education, healthcare, and social support,
  • Strategies to reduce poverty and enhance social protection,
  • Safeguarding socioeconomic rights and promoting social cohesion initiatives,
  • Encouraging the participation of diverse demographic groups in public, social, and political life, and
  • Innovative measures for designing and implementing effective social policies.

The event’s overarching goal was to leverage evaluation findings and recommendations to better shape and implement social interventions, ultimately fostering more equitable and inclusive societies. By connecting stakeholders from diverse fields and regions, the conference encouraged a stimulating dialogue on the latest strategies, practices, and challenges in social policy evaluation.



Conference call


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