COST Action CA20112
PlatfoRm OF policy Evaluation community for improvED EU policies and Better ACKnowledgement



We are thrilled to announce you the 5th PROFEEDBACK Conference which will be held at Bucharest’s National University of Political Studies and Public Administration. The main theme of the event will be “Good Practices and lessons learned in social policy evaluation”. The goal of the conference is to bring together international academics, professionals, policymakers, and policy evaluators to collaborate: to share ideas and best practices for evaluating social policies and services.

The topics highlighted by the event include social inclusion for underprivileged children, ensuring their access to public services such as social, education, and health, implementing strategies to reduce poverty, implementing measures for social protection, safeguarding socioeconomic rights, promoting social cohesion initiatives, and encouraging the participation of different demographic groups in public, social, and political life.

The conference aims to discover how evidence-based insights, findings, and recommendations of evaluation might enhance social interventions. The objective of Profeedback is to enhance the effectiveness of public policies and programs by showcasing the most recent discoveries and insights in these fields.

Save the date and participate in a stimulating dialogue on the latest insights, practices, and strategies in evaluating social policies!

Date: 2024, 16th of May

Location: National University of Political Studies and Public Administration – Expoziției 30A Street, District 1, Bucharest

Useful documents:

Reimbursement rules

Detailed program of the conference

Bucharest Conference Infopack

Agenda for Working Group Meetings