COST Action CA20112
PlatfoRm OF policy Evaluation community for improvED EU policies and Better ACKnowledgement



ProfeedBASE Expert Pool for institutional stakeholders engaged in policy evaluation

Abbreviation: WG1 - Working Group 1: Theoretical concept of policy evaluation, WG2 - Working Group 2: Quantitative methods and data collection, WG3 - Working Group 3: Qualitative and participatory methods, NNC: COST Near Neighbour Countries, ITC: COST Inclusiveness Target Countries, YRI: Young Researchers and Innovators

wdt_ID wdt_ID First Name Last Name Country Main expertise Email WG1 WG2 WG3 ITC YRI Affiliation Website
167 1 Sühal Şemşit Turkey (TR) Tourism y n y y n Manisa Celal Bayar University
168 2 Martin Nekola Czech Republic (CZ) Public administration y y n y n Charles University in Prague
169 3 Pedro Haro Spain (ES) Chemical engineering n n y n y Universidad de Sevilla
170 4 Damjan Kavas Slovenia (SI) Development y n n y n Institute for Economic Research
171 5 Sari Rannanpaa Finland (FI) Spatial development y n y n n NordEval Oy
172 6 Nikola Djuric Serbia (RS) Environment and health risks including radiation y n n y n Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad
173 7 João Luís Telha da Silva Portugal (PT) Spatial development y n y y n CEDRU - Centro de Estudos e Desenvolvimento Rural e Urbano, Lda.
174 8 Micheal Collins Ireland (IE) Public economics n y n n n University College Dublin
175 9 Vesna Mrdalj Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA) Databases n y y y n Faculty of Agriculture Banja Luka
176 10 Daniel Gehrt Germany (DE) European studies n y y n n Prognos AG
177 11 Barbara Glinsner Austria (AT) Qualitative methods for the social sciences n n y n y Zentrum für soziale Innovation
178 12 Sirbu Alexandrina Romania (RO) Environmental impact n n y y n Constantin Brancoveanu University of Pitesti
179 13 Pia Johansson Sweden (SE) Health services n y n n n Halmstad university
180 14 Noemia Bessa Vilela Slovenia (SI) Legal theory y y n y n Inštitut pravnih znanosti, raziskave in razvoj na področju prava, Maribor
181 15 Hanife Akar Turkey (TR) Education y n y y n Middle East Technical University
182 16 Tina Lesnik Slovenia (SI) Public and environmental health y y y y n National Institute of Public Health
183 17 Thomas Delahais France (FR) Program Evaluation y n n n n Quadrant Conseil
184 18 Christos Chrysoulas United Kingdom (UK) Energy aspects of electrical and electronic engineering n y n n n Edinburgh Napier Univesrity
185 19 Valeria Aniello Italy (IT) Qualitative methods for the social sciences y y y n n Nucleo di Valutazione e Analisi per la Programmazione (NUVAP)
186 20 Zvi Weinstein Israel (IL) Policy n n y n n Israel Smart cities Institute
187 21 Ivan Nikolic Serbia (RS) Macroeconomics n y y y n Economics Institute
188 22 Agathe Devaux France (FR) Public administration y n n n y Quadrant-Conseil
189 23 Sedef Akgungor Turkey (TR) Development y y n y n Dokuz Eylul University
190 24 Dijana Štrbac Serbia (RS) Technology and innovation y n n y y Institute of Economic Sciences
191 25 Martin Obuch Slovakia (SK) Public administration y n n y n Consulting Associates, s.r.o.
wdt_ID First Name Last Name Country Main expertise Email WG1 WG2 WG3 ITC YRI Affiliation Website