Project Documents


COST Annotated Rules


Gender Equality Plan


Innovation and Exploitation Plan


Communication and Dissemination Plan

OPEN CALL – Inclusiveness Target Countries Conference Grants

OPEN CALL – Inclusiveness Target Countries Conference Grants

Are you a researcher or innovator under the age of 40? Have you been accepted to present a paper at an international conference? Is your institution based in a COST ITC (Inclusiveness Target Country) or a COST NNC (Near Neighbour Countries)? The Inclusiveness Target...

OPEN CALL – Dissemination Conference Grants

OPEN CALL – Dissemination Conference Grants

Are you a member of the PROFEEDBACK Action? Have you been accepted to present a paper at an international conference in 2023? The Dissemination Conference Grants provide financial support up to 850 EUR to PROFEEDBACK Action member for their participation in high-level...

Evaluation of public policy responses to black swans – PROFEEDbook1

Evaluation of public policy responses to black swans – PROFEEDbook1

We are delighted to announce the publication of the Evaluation of public policy responses to black swans - PROFEEDbook1! PROFEEDbooks support multidisciplinarity, the systematisation of different methodologies and the exact transfer of know-how for the policy...

Call for Virtual Mobility is now open for applications

Call for Virtual Mobility is now open for applications

The call for Virtual Mobility Grants has been published and is now open for applications for the period 1 May 2022 – 31 October 2022. Virtual Mobility (VM) consists of a collaboration in a virtual setting among researchers or innovators within the COST Action, to...