PROFEEDBACK aims to enhance EU-level policy evaluation by fostering collaboration and awareness. The open Platform gathers professionals across fields to assess policy evaluation theories and methods. Through a Europe-wide good practices assessment, it provides valuable inputs for national and EU bodies. The growing demand for high-quality EU-wide evaluation services underscores the need for a collaborative platform, addressing the current lack for European researchers and professionals in policy evaluation to discuss common problems and share knowledge effectively.

PROFEEDbooks are thematic publications issued after each biannual conference of the PROFEEDBACK Action. They summarize key presentations and outcomes, promote multidisciplinary approaches, systematize methodologies, and facilitate knowledge transfer for the policy evaluation community. Designed to aid European and national policy-makers, PROFEEDbooks contribute to developing evaluation frameworks, advancing public policy literature, and fostering a common European evaluation culture. They also aim to reach a broader audience beyond the Action members.
PROFEEDcourses are video resources created from the materials of the PROFEEDBACK training schools. They provide access to the knowledge and content covered in the training schools, allowing a wider audience to benefit from the insights and methodologies taught.