COST Action CA20112
PlatfoRm OF policy Evaluation community for improvED EU policies and Better ACKnowledgement



We’re excited to share the results of our recent survey! After reaching the halfway mark of our project, we’ve gathered valuable insights and feedback from our dedicated Profeedback membership. As we look forward to the project’s conclusion in October 2025, these findings provide us with a great opportunity to enhance and refine our work. Here are some key highlights:  

Global Participation: Researchers from almost all European countries are involved, creating a broad collaboration and bridging to the Western European mainstream. 

Diverse Demographics: 

  • Gender: 52% female and 48% male participants, showing balanced gender participation. 
  • Age Group: with 36% under 40, 63% between 40-65, and 2% over 65, the Action is helping to engage young researchers in the research work. 
  • Career Stages: Participants ranged from top-grade researchers to early-stage researchers, with a balanced mix across all categories. 

Affiliations: The majority of respondents are affiliated with universities (60%), followed by public organizations, think tanks, non-profits, and SMEs. This diversity enables interdisciplinary collaborations. 

Early Career Investigators: 45% of our participants are Early Career Investigators, showcasing the fresh and dynamic energy within our community. 

Key Benefits Highlighted by Participants: Participants mentioned the following opportunities as the ones they appreciated the most: 

  • Presentation of their research at an international conference (56.7%) 
  • Participation at an international conference (73.3%) 
  • Participation in a scientific committee of an international conference (28.3%) 
  • Starting preparation of a publication with a fellow professional (47.2%) 
  • Applying for a research grant (13.9%) 

We invite you to explore our outputs on the website and see the impact of our work firsthand. It’s not too late to join our working groups and contribute to our ongoing efforts.  

For more details and to get involved, visit the following link: Join Profeedback 

#Profeedback #SurveyResults #ResearchCommunity #PolicyEvaluation #GlobalCollaboration