by Gordos Katalin | Dec 20, 2022 | Conference, ITC, Mobility Grants
Are you a researcher or innovator under the age of 40? Have you been accepted to present a paper at an international conference? Is your institution based in a COST ITC (Inclusiveness Target Country) or a COST NNC (Near Neighbour Countries)? The Inclusiveness Target...
by Gordos Katalin | Dec 20, 2022 | Conference, Dissemination Conference Grants, Mobility Grants
Are you a member of the PROFEEDBACK Action? Have you been accepted to present a paper at an international conference in 2023? The Dissemination Conference Grants provide financial support up to 850 EUR to PROFEEDBACK Action member for their participation in high-level...
by Gordos Katalin | Sep 9, 2022 | Conference
The 2nd PROFEEDBACK Conference is just around the corner, taking place between 12-13 September in Maribor, Slovenia. The event is organized by OPHIZ in cooperation with the University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business and the Economic Society Maribor The...
by Gordos Katalin | May 31, 2022 | 2nd Conference, Conference
PROFEEDBACK aims to foster the networking of the policy evaluation community at EU-level, raise awareness on the importance of evaluation policy research and improve its impact on policy-making. The Platform, following a bottom-up and open approach, will gather...
by Gordos Katalin | May 30, 2022 | 1st Conference, Conference
The first PROFEEDBACK Conference took place in Budapest on 28th April 2022, followed by a Management Committee meeting on 29th April 2022. Under the lead of HÉTFA, the conference on Evaluation of public policy responses to black swans was a great success with more...